2022. Eric Arts, Stephen Brown, David Bulir, Trevor C Charles, Christopher T DeGroot, Robert Delatolla, Jean-Paul Desaulniers, Elizabeth A Edwards, Meghan Fuzzen, Kimberley Gilbride, Jodi Gilchrist, Lawrence Goodridge, Tyson E Graber, Marc Habash, Peter Jüni, Andrea Kirkwood, James Knockleby, Christopher Kyle, Chrystal Landgraff, Chand Mangat, Douglas G Manuel, R Michael McKay, Edgard Mejia, Aleksandra Mloszewska, Banu Ormeci, Claire Oswald, Sarah Jane Payne, Hui Peng, Shelley Peterson, Art FY Poon, Mark R Servos, Denina Simmons, Jianxian Sun, Minqing Yang, Gustavo Ybazeta. Community Surveillance of Omicron in Ontario: Wastewater-based Epidemiology Comes of Age. Pre-print, Research Square: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1439969/v2
2022. Lara-Jacobo, L, Islam, G, Desaulniers, J-P, Kirkwood, A, Simmons, DBD. Detection of SARSCoV-2 Proteins in Wastewater Samples by Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology. ID: es-2021-047055 (in press)
2021. G Islam, A Gedge, L Lara-Jacobo, A Kirkwood, D Simmons, JP Desaulniers. Pasteurization, storage conditions and viral concentration methods influence RT-qPCR detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 153228.
2021. Shahmohamadloo, RS, Ortiz, XA, Simmons, DBD, Bhavsar, SP, Watson-Leung, T, and Sibley, PK. Fish tissue accumulation and proteomic response to cyanobacterial toxins is species-dependent. Chemosphere. ID: CHEM85588
2021. Leger, JAD; Athanasio, CG; Zhera, A; Chauhan, MF; Simmons, DBD. Hypoxic responses in Oncorhynchus mykiss involve angiogenesis, lipid, and lactate metabolism, which may be triggered by the cortisol stress response and epigenetic methylation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 39: 100860.
2021. Shahmohamadloo, RS; Ortiz, XA; Simmons, DBD; Lumsden, JS; Bhavsar, SP; Watson-Leung, T; Eyken, AV; Hankins, G; Hubbs, K; Konopelko, P. Sarnacki; M, Strong, D; and Sibley, PK. Cyanotoxins within and Outside of Microcystis aeruginosa Cause Adverse Effects in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environmental Science & Technology. 55(15): 10422–10431
2021. Schreckenbach, Sophia A; Simmons, Denina; Ladak, Adam; Mullin, Lauren; Muir, Derek CG; Simpson, Myrna J; Jobst, Karl J. Data-Independent Identification of Suspected Organic Pollutants Using Gas Chromatography–Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization–Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry.
2021. Ortega, VA; Boyle, D; Hodgkinson, JW; Simmons, DBD; Belosevic, M; Stafford, JL; Goss, GG. Polymer-coated TiO2 nanoparticles bioaccumulate, immunoactivate and suppress pathogenic Mycobacterium chelonae clearance when intravenously injected into goldfish (Carassius auratus L.).Environmental Science: Nano. 8: 1920-1926.
2021. Liang, X; Martyniuk, CJ; Simmons, DBD. Current topics in omics, ecotoxicology, and environmental science. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 38: 100782.
2021. Ussery, E; Bridges, KN; Simmons, DBD; Pandelides, Z; Mansfield, C; Holdway, D. An ‘omics approach to investigate the growth effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of guanylurea exposure on Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquatic Toxicology. 232: 105761.
2020. Liang, Xuefang; Martyniuk, Christopher J; Simmons, Denina BD. Are we forgetting the “proteomics” in multi-omics ecotoxicology? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 100751.
2020. Pinheiro, MDO; Simmons, DBD; Villella, M; Tetreault, GR; Muir, DCG; McMaster, ME; Hewitt, LM; Parrott, JL; Park, BJ; Brown, SB. Brown bullhead at the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall) Area of Concern: health and endocrine status in the context of tissue concentrations of PCBs and mercury. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192: 1-23.
2020. Michael Moreton; Bonnie Lo; Dennina Simmons; Vicki Marlatt. Toxicity of the aquatic herbicide reward®, on the fathead minnow with pulsed-exposure proteomic profile. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and proteomics, 33: 100635.
2020. René Shahmohamadloo; Denina Simmons; Paul Sibley. Shotgun proteomics analysis reveals sub-lethal effects in Daphnia magna exposed to cell-bound microcystins produced by Microcystis aeruginosa. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and proteomics, 33: 100656.
2019. Denina Simmons; Andrew Cowie; Jin Koh; James Sherry; Christopher Martyniuk. Hepatic proteome network data in zebrafish (Danio Rerio) liver following dieldrin exposure. Data in brief, 25: 104351.
2019. Denina Simmons; Andrew Cowie; Jin Koh; James Sherry; Christopher Martyniuk. Label-free and iTRAQ proteomics analysis in the liver of zebrafish (Danio rerio) following dietary exposure to the organochlorine pesticide dieldrin. Journal of Proteomics, 202: 103362.
2017. Xuefang Liang; April Feswick; Denina Simmons; Chris Martyniuk. Environmental toxicology and omics: a question of sex. Journal of Proteomics, 172: 152-164. (Invited submission).
2017. Simmons D, McCallum E, Balshine S, Chandramouli B, Cosgrove J, Sherry J. Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment effluent exposed, goldfish Carassius auratus. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 17001.
2017. Simmons D, Miller J, Clarence S, McCallum E, Balshine S, Chandramouli B, Cosgrove J, Sherry J. Altered expression of metabolites and proteins in wild and caged fish exposed to wastewater effluents in an urban wetland. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 17000.
2017. Derek Muir, Denina Simmons, Xiaowa Wang, Tom Peart, Maria Villella, Jason Miller and Jim Sherry. Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals in fish exposed to wastewater effluent in an urban wetland. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 16999.
2016. João L. C. Ribas, James P. Sherry, Aleksander R. Zampronio, Helena C. Silva de Assis, Denina B.D. Simmons. Inhibition of immune responses and related proteins in Rhamdia quelen exposed to Diclofenac.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 2092–2107.
2016. Christopher J. Martyniuk and Denina B.D. Simmons. Spotlight on Environmental Omics and Toxicology: A long way in a short time. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 19: 97–101. Special Issue: Environmental Omics & Toxicology.
2016. Denina B.D. Simmons and James P. Sherry. Plasma proteome profiles of white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) from the Athabasca River within the Oil Sands deposit demonstrate site-specific differences in biological function. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 19: 181–189. Special Issue: Environmental Omics & Toxicology.
2015. Simmons, D.B.D., Benskin, J., Cosgrove J., Dunker, B., Eckman, D., Martynuik, C.M., Sherry, J. Omics for aquatic ecotoxicology: Control of extraneous variability to enhance the analysis of environmental effects. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; 34(8): 1693–1704.
2015. Victoria Tkatcheva, David Poirier, Richard Chong-Kit, Vasile I. Furdui, Christopher Burr, Ray Leger, Jaspal Parmar, Teresa Switzer, Stefanie Maedler, Eric J. Reiner, James P. Sherry, and Denina B.D. Simmons. Lithium disrupts homeostasis in short-term exposure of rainbow trout. Aquatic Toxicology; 161:85-93.
2014. Simmons, D.B.D. , M.E. McMaster, E.J. Reiner, L.M. Hewitt, J.L. Parrott, B.J. Park, S.B. Brown, and J.P. Sherry. Wild fish from the Bay of Quinte Area of Concern contain elevated tissue concentrations of PCBs and exhibit evidence of endocrine-related health effects. Environment International, 66:124-137.
2013. Helena C. Silva de Assis, Jake M. Zamora, Wudu E. Lado, Ahmed M. Al-Ansari, Denina Simmons, James P. Sherry, Jules M. Blais, Vance L. Trudeau. Estrogen-like effects in male goldfish co-exposed to fluoxetine and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(10): 4961-5516. Cover story.
2012. Simmons, D.B.D., Bols, N.C., Duncker, B.P., McMaster, M., Miller, J.A., Sherry, J.P. Proteomic profiles of white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) sampled from within the Thunder Bay Area of Concern reveal up-regulation of proteins associated with tumor formation and exposure to environmental estrogens. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(3):1886-1894.
2016. Chris Martyniuk and Denina Simmons (guest editors). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, Volume 19. Special Issue: Environmental Omics & Toxicology.